
Pipeline Logistics

Broad range of innovative solutions to protect assets during all stages of pipe transport and pipe storage.


A selection of our products:

Pipe Storage - Pipe Stop

Pipe Stop is a durable and reliable pipe storage system, which can easily be adjusted to suit any stacking situation. The system is made of LDPE which makes it safe for coating.

Pipe Transport - System88

System88 is a completely safe and flexible system to transport pipes by train or truck. It offers a flexible system that can easily be adjusted for different pipe diameters. The system is made out of LDPE and is safe for coated pipes.

Pipe Storage - Pipe Carrier Premium

Pipe Carrier Premium is suitable for storage and transport of small diameter pipes. It allows efficient and safe pipe storage and transport. Pipe Carrier Premium is suitable for a range of pipe diameters.

Pipe Transport - Pipe Raiser

The Pipe Raiser is designed for safe pipe transport, allowing two large diameter pipes (50’’ – 60’’) to be transported on one trailer.

Protecting the future 

Protecting the future 

Protecting the future